.: Publications

Some of my recent publications.

Respond 2010

The world's leading ongoing global study into Smart Metering-based Demand Response and related In-Home Services. More info here.


8th International Conference and Workshop on Ambient Intelligence and Embedded System, (23-25 September 2009), Topic: "Optimizing Embedded Software - A Look at the NEON SIMD unit in the ARM Cortex Family of Processors"

8th International Conference and Workshop on Ambient Intelligence and Embedded System, (23-25 September 2009), Topic: "Towards a Reliable, Cost Effective and Easy to Operate Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Technology Education"


7th International Conference and Workshop on Ambient Intelligence and Embedded System, (10-12 September 2008), Topic: "Portable Elliptic Curve Cryptography for Medium-Sized Embedded Systems"